5 Customer Satisfaction KPIs Measurable with a CRM

Approximate reading time: 7 minutes

A CRM developed to meet business needs greatly facilitates working with customer satisfaction KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

If you’ve ever used a private transportation app, you’ve probably filled out the brief survey that the platform presents at the end of the service; the same goes for purchasing airline tickets online. We’re talking about a common practice in customer-focused companies; it’s based on CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems to feed matrices and aims to measure satisfaction to improve service.

Now, regarding these techniques, have you wondered in your business field how effective your actions are in meeting consumer demands? What are the correct indicators to evaluate performance, and do you have the appropriate technology to conduct the analyses?

The customer satisfaction KPIs that should be studied depend on the size and type of business; however, a proper report supported by the information residing in the CRM typically includes the following:

Customer Satisfaction Index (CSAT)

This is the most commonly used indicator to measure satisfaction. It’s usually based on a scale with numbers, happy faces, or stars for customers to rate the service received. When working with this type of indicator, it’s important to know that the measurement’s effectiveness is dependent on the simplicity of the scales; thus, to overcome the diversity of interpretations due to cultural differences, it’s advisable to use easily readable forms.

Service Quality (Servqual)

Also known as the discrepancy model, it measures service and quality. This indicator as a tool suggests that the difference between customers’ general expectations and their perceptions of the service received constitutes a measure of service quality. Since 1990, it has been the most common method for measuring subjective elements of service quality.

Response Time

This refers to the time it takes for the company representative to respond to the customer. It can be divided into average wait time (period for an agent to receive the customer at their desk or counter, accept the call or chat request) and average response time (time it takes an agent to answer customer questions).

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Measures the likelihood that a customer will recommend the product or service to someone else. The advantage of this type of KPI is that it points to an intention rather than an emotion, therefore, the response is less influenced by mood. The scale usually ranges from 1 to 10 to identify promoter customers (higher number), passive, and detractors (lower number).

Repeat Purchase Rate

This metric indicates the percentage of customers who have made repeat purchases from the company. It’s a very accurate loyalty indicator used to evaluate the impact of customer retention strategy. It generally applies to products, although it can also be used to evaluate contract renewals.

A company that doesn’t properly measure its service performance cannot verify the success of its strategies; therefore, the technology-indicators duo is fundamental to know if you’re on the right track. By far, a customized CRM is the tool that helps you know this and apply corrections in time.

At Wundertec, we understand your challenges and transform them into customized technological solutions to meet your business’s specific needs. To achieve this, we have SoftLab, our software laboratory.

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